Your safe space for intercultural training, cross-cultural family support, TCK expertise, and CCK advocacy.

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Expert training from an engaging speaker well-versed in the research regarding TCKs. Interactive workshops on a range of topics, delivered virtually or in person.
Learn more about intercultural identity, cross-cultural families, and international life. Resources for every stage of your journey!
Misunderstood (2016) opens a window on the perspective of people who grew up away from their passport countries. It is full of their stories, and explores their emotions. Tanya Crossman conducted 270 interviews and a survey of 744 adult TCKs in the process of writing this book and this research, along with over a decade of experience caring for these young people, underpins every assertion she makes. Learn more at
“Misunderstood is a must-read for anybody trying to deepen their understanding of the TCK experience and how international mobility affects a child. Tanya Crossman’s collection of unique real-life stories will not only resonate with TCKs, but will also inspire empathy and understanding for anyone who has ever transitioned.”
– Valérie Besanceney, Educational Consultant and author of B at Home: Emma Moves Again and My Moving Booklet
Thongs or Flip Flops? Australian kids overseas and what comes next (2024) provides Australian TCKs and Australian families living overseas with everything they need to know in order to thrive long term, no matter what paths they take in life. Together with co-author Kath Williams, Tanya surveyed over 200 Australian TCKs about their stories, and they included stories from 80 of them throughout the book. It is full of practical help for navigating life overseas, the transition to Australia, and life as an Australian adult — along with empathetic meditations on the nature of belonging and identity. Learn more at
“This is a must-read for Aussie TCKs! It is well-researched, with plenty of input from those who at some stage in life have struggled to call Australia home.”
– Stewart Hunt, National Director, Interserve Australia
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What People Are Saying:
“Tanya has great knowledge and experience with TCKs all over the world, her research is one of the best in this field. She has passion when she speaks about multicultural and mixed culture people. Tanya is a super professional and kind person.”
— Dr Iris Hertz, Psychologist working with TCKs
“Tanya’s lifelong experience studying, working and living across cultures means she is deeply attuned to the needs of cross-cultural teams and communities. She seeks to understand others' perspectives and is often the first to ask if the needs or viewpoints of others have been addressed. Tanya can be counted on to approach complex situations with thoughtfulness, attention to diverse perspectives and curiosity.”
— Jodi Harris, World Tree Coaching
“Tanya shares an extraordinary combination of talents (she is both analytical and pastoral) which when combined with her passion and enthusiasm for cross-cultural insights for youth, adults and families synthesises into a much-needed voice in an increasingly globalised world.”
— Chris Bowman, TCK Young Adult Network Adelaide
“Tanya has excellent communication, coaching and mentoring skills. She probably has as much or more understanding of third culture teens and their parents as anyone in the world, having mentored hundreds of TCKs and having provided counsel for their parents. She is utterly trustworthy and reliable.”
— Tom Lowder, Next Generation Leader Formation
“Tanya is insightful with a varied skill set that includes clear communication, Chinese language, deep knowledge of cross-cultural relationships, and a passion for youth and Third Culture Kids in particular. As evident in her book Misunderstood, she understands those who long to be understood.”
— Tracy Villanova, International Educator
“Tanya is a fantastic resource for cross-cultural teens and their parents. She is an excellent presenter - I highly recommend her!”
“Tanya understands cross-cultural kids and families and gives everyone a way of growing in their understanding. So thankful for the awareness she is building in families, schools, and beyond!”
No one asked where I was from anymore. It made me feel odd, a sort of emptiness. After all this time it was very strange to feel a grief over regaining my Australian accent! That grief was real, however. I had dismantled my sense of identity rooted in an Australian accent, only to replace it with a sense of identity rooted in an international accent. Wherever I was, I wanted my accent to say something about who I was. This is a dilemma faced by many Third Culture Kids, expats, and other cross-cultured individuals. Our inside and outside don’t map exactly.